Meditation is a mind rejuvination or stabilisation programme to an individual just
like a safe mode or recovery or anti virus programme to a computer or like a safe
route or direction changes by a driver during an adversity to an individual or crash
or hungup to a computer or during an accident, breakdown, traffic jam felt by a
vehicle driver. We all are made of 3 constitutions. 1. Body, 2. Mind, 3. Spirit. In which
mind is the middle part between the body and spirit. It balances the body as well as
the soul or spirit just like the driver of the car.
Here our Body is the Vehicle, Spirit or Soul is the passenger and Mind is the Driver.
Meditation is the servicing or repairing system of the mind. Whenever mind is
affected, it disturbs the smooth functioning of the body and the spirit just like a
driver. If the driver is drunk, then the vehicle can have the chance of meeting with an
accident thereby inviting adversity to its passenger and to the vehicle that is to the
soul or spirit and to the body. Likewise if the driver (Mind) could be in different
states like agitation, happyness, peaceful and sorrow etc. Under these different
situations, the total travel gets affected accordingly. Simply, if the driver is well
balanced then the vehicle as well as the passenger will have a safe and happy ride to
reach their destination smoothly as planned.
Therefore, a system of correction or service is needed to mind like a work shop to a
vehicle or a software update to a computer. Whenever a service is needed, the mind
can adopt meditational practice to bring its capacities to normal thereby make the
vehicle, (body) and its passenger (spirit) travel safely and peacefully.
Our physical body is made up primarily with different earthly matters and is
continuously activated with layers of cosmic energies called pranas. All these
energies are focused through 7 points of power centers in our body, called Chakras.
In which light radiation energy is one among the prominent one. We all know white
light constitutes 7 different colours or light bearing electromagnetic frequencies.
Here light is not only energy but it is particles/matter as well.
Previously light was termed not as a matter, but modern science accepts it as
matter. Thereby it’s very clear that different kinds of energies called matters / pranas
or life supporting elements reach from the universe and join or enter into our body’s
7 power junctions or centers and constantly feeding the life saving system for our
survival. These power centers are called CHAKRAS. Though there are many kind of
energies called matters / pranas [life saving/ giving factors] are fed through it, in
which 7 colour energy reception is having vital importance, because it is from the
sun. If all the 7 colours or energies are well received or balanced then the colour
(person) in question will act normally like the white light. If any one of the
constituent colour is over powered or under powered then its effect will get
reflected in the white light (person's character) as tone called a tint or shade. This
means an imbalanced or distorrted behavioural pattern or deviations from white
light (personality change).
Every colour has got a particular power to activate a particular power centre and all
the power centers got different performance factors like character, behavior,
sensitivity, feeling etc. If all the power centres are well balanced then the person will
react normally just like the white light. All these 7 power centers are classified as
• Mooladhara
• Swathishtana
• Manipooraka
• Aanahatha
• Vishudhi
• Agana
• Sahasrara
All planets in the astrological system got particular colour or energy emitting
capacities, therefore astrology is related with power centre subject as well. More of
its details are in the related link. Please go through chakra meditation centers.
As stated earlier, the power centers are continuously fed with life giving energy.
Sometimes due to reasons beyond our capacity can block or amplify the reception of
a particular energy due to which our behavioral pattern changes. This can be
predicted in advance through horoscopical chart analysis. Mind is the one which
senses the normality and abnormality. Most of the time our mind starts to stabilizes
the imbalances from its buffer stock energies stored in our body, just like a power
capacitor for a limited time. But, if the phenomenon lasts for long then the lack of
energy will start to affect the particular power centre there by the body gradually
start to react, if the phenomenon last for long then it will create long term damaging
ill effect called disease.
This will lead to short term as well as long term life threatening defects. The ultimate
is death; which means the vehicle (body) is not fit for travel or total loss will be the
result. Thereby passenger or the spirit or the soul couldn’t get chance to stay in the
body for its onward journey then the spirit (passenger) like to change the vehicle and
driver (mind). Because the driver(mind) is unfit, the vehicle(body) is unfit for the
destined travel, so the passenger (soul or spirit) has to change his vehicles and
driver. So death comes into effect. Here comes recovery service to find out the
reasons behind the cause.
With meditational practice we can rectify the problem and recover back to normal
status. Here astrology can foretell the happening events and the reasons in advance.
Please go to chakra meditation chapter and astrological Desha kale sections for
more details.
As I said earlier that gems are having capacities to receive, block, reject, or eject
energies relating to each energy centres. If we find out cause of problems then we
can find out the related gem for energy enhancement or filtering etc. This is called
Gem Therapy. With the help of meditation we can accelerate the energy reception
and use the gem as booster to get it activated the energy centre faster. This is called
Medito Gem Therapy.